/> What Can Massage Therapy Help With? | Aligned One Wellness Toronto

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What Can Massage Therapy Help With?

What Can Massage Therapy Help With? - Massage Therapy Toronto

The benefits of massage therapy are broad and bountiful. Massage isn’t simply about relaxation, although that is an important aspect that we consider to be a bonus. Massage therapy can reduce stress and pain, improve circulation, energy, and immune function, and give you a moment of self-care that reflects in the impact on your mind, body, and spirit. 

It is important to seek massage through trusted and educated pathways, like using a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) who can target specific issues, including chronic ones. Speaking openly and communicating with your RMT about your symptoms and experience is important, since only you can feel what is happening inside your body. At Aligned One Wellness, we work holistically with clients — meaning that our bodywork services will include a hands-on understanding of your needs and suggestions or homework to integrate into your life — all with the goal of getting to the root of your issue, not just a surface-level symptom treatment. Having this trusting relationship with your RMT will make all the difference, as they can focus on alleviating your pain and symptoms with an understanding of your end goals.

Massage therapy can help with a pinched nerve

A pinched nerve is a common and often reversible symptom likely resulting from exertion or injury. By applying pressure to a pinched nerve, tension, and pain can be relieved. Promoting circulation through massage therapy can help with any additional inflammation, and the relaxation will allow your muscles in the affected area to calm and reduce tension.

Be sure to tell your RMT the specifics about where you might be suffering from pinched nerve symptoms, as pinched nerves often occur in locations that can be purposefully targeted and methodically treated without causing more damage. 

Massage therapy can help with TMJ

Aside from the fact that massaging the jaw can relieve the difficult pain of TMJ, it has also been clinically proven to alleviate joint clicking and tense jaw symptoms. TMJ occurs frequently in adults, causing joint stiffness and clicking, as well as muscle tension around the jaw.

Massages targeting TMJ work the muscles in your neck and jawline to reduce excess muscle tension that often causes TMJ patients the most pain. Using techniques such as trigger point treatments, kneading, or stretching, RMT’s are capable of relieving the intensity of TMJ symptoms, especially through regular treatments.

massage therapy can help with arthritis

Massage therapy can help with Arthritis

Massage therapy is based on circulation improvement through the movement and manipulation of muscles. This reduces inflammation, which is the root cause of most common arthritis pain. When treated properly, arthritis patients see a noticeable decrease in soreness and overall pain.

Communicating with your RMT about the source of your arthritis pain, as well as the triggers for it, can help build an actionable treatment plan that helps maintain reduced pain levels consistently. 

Massage therapy can help with Plantar Fasciitis

Unlike other issues that are often addressed with massage therapy, Plantar Fasciitis is not related to inflammation within the body, but rather the inflammation of the plantar fascia itself. It can still be treated effectively with the right RMT care. This means that massage techniques vary from typical pain relief, and focus more on stretching and strengthening to improve overall function.

With Plantar Fasciitis, the pain can often cause people to “baby” their injury, commonly walking with a limp or reducing overall movement of the area, the symptoms often cause people to walk with adjustments to relieve pain, which can cause other pain and muscular issues throughout the body. Be mindful to listen to your body when dealing with new symptoms, as they could be related to ongoing pain elsewhere in your body.

Massage therapy can help with Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel is a common ailment that many people struggle to find relief from. It is an issue that commonly affects the hands, which when being used daily, don’t get the chance to rest and recover as easily.

Massaging with light pressure on the palm of the hand and up and down the length of the arms returns lymphatic flow to your body. This encourages better circulation and blood flow that brings pain relief to the hands when done correctly. RMT’s spend their whole career working with their hands and need to be mindful to take good care of theirs, so they will have a deep understanding of how best to maintain yours, too. 

massage therapy can help with lower back pain

Massage therapy can help with lower back pain

It is a common misconception that massage therapy is only useful for back issues, although this stereotype comes from the right place, as it is widely known as a powerful pain management and even healing tool for lower back pain. Lower back pain can be caused by so many things, including injury, misuse, or common sciatica pain, running from the lower back all the way down to the leg (but generally starting with symptoms in the back).

In addition to conventional medical care, lower back pain can be treated through massage in ways that maintain pain levels and can eventually eliminate it as well. There are so many different types of pain that affect the lower back. Depending on what the cause is, or whether it is acute or chronic, massage and the right at-home routine can go a very long way. Many people believe that the pain they experience will never go away. However, massage therapy can eliminate back pain altogether with the right treatment plan and self-care.

Massage therapy can help with vertigo

Vertigo is a symptom (not a condition) that is often described as a spinning or dizziness. In tandem with traditional medical care, it can be treated with frequent massage therapy treatments and an understanding of the root of the symptoms. Decreasing tension in the neck and upper back through massage allows arteries to “breath” better, which encourages better circulation and reduces the frequency of vertigo symptoms.

As you start seeing the effects of massage therapy treatments for vertigo kicking in, you will likely be able to add more time in between visits without recurring symptoms. This is because frequent visits to an RMT who is intentional with their treatments and makes manageable, actionable treatment plans for your symptoms will begin to create lasting change over time. 

Massage therapy can help with a herniated disc

For a herniated disc, deep tissue massage is strongly recommended as it uses a lot of pressure to relieve deep muscle tension and spasms, a natural adaptation of the body to prevent motion in the affected area. A deep tissue massage will enhance the overall muscle health surrounding the herniated disc which can take a lot of stress off of the injury itself. It is important to note that with deep tissue massage treatments, it is recommended to schedule rest for recovery after the service as it can be strenuous on your body while healing.

Herniated discs need extra attention, and going to a licensed professional like an RMT who understands their complexity is important to get the best standard of care.

massage therapy can help with vertigo

When communication between you and your RMT practitioner is comfortable, massage therapy can work incredible magic. RMT’s can build plans around your symptoms, conditions, lifestyle, and needs that will allow for a focused and personalized pain management or recovery plan. If you’re looking to get started with pain and symptom relief through RMT - look no further. Aligned One Wellness proudly provides high-quality RMT services through trusted and holistic registered massage therapists. 

Book your RMT massage with us today.